Organizing A Healthy Household Breakfast Routine


You knew it was coming the healthy breakfast and lunch menu posts I mentioned  and here is the breakfast post!  In order for me to reach my weight loss and my health goals I have to be “Super” organized everyday with my food.   My neighbor Barb told me about a Pinterest  post where you bake your eggs in a whoopie pie pan.   You can use a muffin pan for this however the whoopie pie pan make the eggs flatter to go on a breakfast sandwich.   I have to say when Barb first told me about this I was not convinced so she brought me one over and I was impressed they are delicious and they do not taste like they are baked and made with very little oil.  I have eaten these from Monday to Friday and I have made just enough for the week and by Friday I can tell you that they taste fresh even at the end of the week.  So to make them I put the oven on about 365 degrees and I bake them for about 9 to 11 minutes you’ll have to figure out what works for your oven… you do need to spray a little bit of oil on the bottom of the pan to keep the eggs from sticking.

I should mention that we are very fortunate because my husband has found a local butcher shop well not super close though about an hour away where he will buy bulk sausage without any additives or preservatives that we will patty out for him and my son to eat. I on the other hand because I’m watching my fat calories to meet my weight loss goals I’m typically buy turkey sausage links or patties or put slices of Canadian bacon in my breakfast sandwiches.

When I was looking for a Tupperware or Rubbermaid container to house this new breakfast program can make all of our lives easier and more convenient in the morning that I discovered that my deviled egg tray Tupperware container would work perfectly for the system. Picture shown below.


We typically eat these eggs and sausage that are already pre-made on English muffins but sometimes my son will put his in a wrap.  I do poke the eggs before I microwave them to make sure they don’t explode.   These have definitely helped our morning routine go smoother and I hope some of you will try it and let me know how it goes for you.  I also like to add a little bit of reduced fat shredded cheese on my muffin but the point of this was to make it so we didn’t have a “What on earth am I going to eat?” dilemma.  Not to mention also helping you avoid the cost of paying for convenience foods…how much is a breakfast muffin at your local fast food restaurant right now?

My next post will be on organizing healthy lunches I hope you enjoyed this post and I will be back here soon with my lunch organization post.  I also still love my Summer Porridge too so I alternate days typically and I love both of these breakfasts they are both extremely sustaining in my opinion.

Have a beautiful week!



About Lil' Suburban Homestead

We love to garden, raise chickens, cook, read and all in all run my lil' suburban homestead. We have a passion for living sustainably with the earth which can be challenging at times. We recycle, hang our clothes out on the line and raise some of our own food!
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22 Responses to Organizing A Healthy Household Breakfast Routine

  1. jamiemalone says:

    Awesome post, especially with school starting. This will make my mornings so much easier. I had a question, do you think you could scramble the eggs and bake them in the oven the same way? Also, do you know how long they keep in the fridge after they have been cooked?

    P.S. Thanks for the share!

    • Jamie my husband is going to scramble some and put some mushrooms and cheese in his tonight so you could try it and see how you like it I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I just love over hard yolks so I prefer them this way…..Also in answer to your question both my neighbor Barb and I have made them Sunday and used all the way until Friday and they have tasted fresh and have had no ill effects if that helps. Glad you liked the post! Let me know if you do scramble them and how they turned out and I will keep you posted on my hunny’s experiment as well!

  2. What a great routine. I thought that was great how organized you are. We don’t really eat breakfast ( I know it’s bad) but I just can’t seem to stomach food in the morning. I do have a couple coffee’s an on occasion Mrs.CBB makes me eat eggs and sausages or toast. For families this will greatly help them! Cheers and thanks for the link, much appreciated. Mr.CBB

    • Thank you Mr. CBB! I definitely eat a breakfast everyday now but I didn’t always……I understand though we all get in different household routines but I can promise you if my lineman son wakes up and their is no food and his Mom has already left for the day which is the flow of our household he would not be a happy camper I definitely try to keep things easy for everyone and we are all well fed and in better moods 😉 I saw your blog post on the cost of convenience and thought what a perfect match 🙂

  3. Great post. I’m right with you. I’ve been making sure I have hard boiled eggs on hand. For breakfast I can grab 2 and then mix in whatever I have on hand that morning or just as they are. It makes a big difference….no excuses not to eat breakfast. 🙂

  4. I can’t manage without breakfast either, and I do enjoy a baked egg. I use a silicone muffin pan designed for large muffins, which gives the same flat egg shape as your whoopie pie pan. Because silicone is non-stick, there is no need to use oil. The pans can go in the dishwasher too, which makes clean up a breeze.

    Other favourite make-aheads at our house: applesauce bran muffins (which I serve with either brie or sliced cheddar), sweet or savoury waffles, half whole wheat pancakes, hard boiled eggs, baked oatmeal, rice pudding.

  5. Lisa Lynn says:

    Great idea Karen Lynn! I haven’t tried this but I do make boiled eggs for quick breakfast food. I boil up a dozen or so, whatever eggs are getting a little old (so they are easier to peel), and we peel them for breakfast or my son will take them for part of his lunch at college. I also slice them up in salad for a super healthy lunch 🙂 Will have to try the baked eggs! I wonder how they would be if you beat them first with a little mustard or horseradish….hmmm, I feel an experiment coming on 🙂

  6. Lisa Lynn says:

    PS: Thanks for putting me under so many categories on your blogroll 🙂 I am truly honored!

  7. Pingback: Mr.CBB’s Weekly Blog Post Picks September 7, 2012 « Canadian Budget Binder

  8. mea says:

    Hi saw this on pinterest, I do this in my home but, go ahead and make sandwiches. I then freeze them and my family warms them in oven while getting ready. They love it! Also this works for scrambled eggs and omlets I learned this while working at Mcdonalds for two years. All their eggs and pancakes come cooked and frozen and then warmed in q ovens.

    • Mea I didn’t even know this was on Pinterest! So cool to know thanks for sharing… were one step ahead of me because I have always thought that cooking eggs ahead of time would impact the flavor however I was terribly wrong and now my routine is so easy! Thanks so much for stopping in!

  9. This is such a clever idea. 🙂 It is very busy in the mornings on our farm here in Australia, and I love finding new, healthy ways to start our day off right. 🙂

    • Thank you so much Citadel! I hope you enjoy it…..I have one every morning just about Monday through Friday I am such an egg addict. So excited you stopped by and you are on a farm in Australia! I tell you it never ceases to amaze me all of the cool folks I meet out here in this big virtual world 🙂

  10. Love the eggs. I usually do that with twice baked potatoes:
    Here is picture:

    I never wrote a post about it though 🙂
    You might try it and see if you like it. I’ve seen people doing it with avocados as well.

  11. Pingback: Menu Plan: September 28 – October 4 « Life As Mom Knows It

  12. Pingback: New Years Eve Ham Rolls | Lil' Suburban Homestead

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