Shabby Chic Pot Rack for Under $40!

I love that the Viking in my life is so handy!  Truthfully I love projects too and I am working on getting better with power tools but I have to say when he can just do it all so quickly and efficiently why should I get involved.  I have wanted a pot rack for a long time and this holiday he surprised me with one.  I came home and the rack was mounted on the ceiling the only thing was we didn’t have the light fixture we wanted so temporarily he strung up Christmas lights on it for a while and that looked so nice during the holidays anyway although my lighting wasn’t super strong in the kitchen for a while.

He found this ladder in a dumpster it had been used as part of a display or a prop of some sort apparently.  The funny thing is ladders similar to this sell at Pottery Barn for about $129.00.  So the ladder was free to us and then he did sand the ladder down to make it have more of a “Shabby Chic” look.

Then we had to solve our lighting dilemma I wanted to have flexible track lighting of some sort so we could have some flexibility as to the directions the lights faced and we went to our local hardware store and the fixture I wanted was about $79.99.  I thought we could do better and when I remembered there is an Ikea right on the way to see our family for New Years we decided to wait to check there.  We had already shopped online and felt confident we could find what we wanted for about $29.99.  We did!  Not only that when we stopped at Ikea it was Monday and we all got free breakfast!  Yes Ikea has free breakfast on Monday who knew we would get free breakfast thrown in with our new pot rack 😉  Sometimes life is just too good…..not only that I found a few other things to pick up as well.

Here is the link to the light fixture we purchased at Ikea.  Interestingly enough when we got back to town they had a couple of these marked down to $39.99 but they still weren’t the one I wanted.

My husband made the hooks for the pot rack out of salvaged metal and bent them to be used on the rack to hang the pots and he did have to purchase some lag bolts for about $4.00 to mount the pot rack to the ceiling.

It did help tremendously that he knows how to do electrical wiring and installation.   If he did not know how to do this I would see if we could have bartered with a neighbor to do this.

So if you have a tiny gallery kitchen like I do think about installing a pot rack for some extra room in the cabinets and to make your kitchen more efficient.  I love that I can just reach up and grab a pot to use for cooking dinner.  I was a little worried for my 6′ 4″ son but he has clearance we made sure and I am still able to reach the pots!

Hope you enjoyed hearing about our latest project!




French Country Cottage

About Lil' Suburban Homestead

We love to garden, raise chickens, cook, read and all in all run my lil' suburban homestead. We have a passion for living sustainably with the earth which can be challenging at times. We recycle, hang our clothes out on the line and raise some of our own food!
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8 Responses to Shabby Chic Pot Rack for Under $40!

  1. Oh yea, IKEA is the place! We love going there and always include breakfast or lunch. It’s so big it’s exhausting walking around and you need a break. So stopping in the restaurant is always welcomed. Your re-purposed ladder makes a great pot rack!

    • Thanks so much! It’s fun to do new things with old things and I was quite pleased with how it turned out. You are right I only wish I lived closer to Ikea but I have to be careful with saying that because my Mom would tell me to move back 😉

  2. Great idea! Although I’m grateful for the one 2 door cupboard in my housing, nesting and trying to put a lot of pans in a small space gets a little old sometimes. I am excited about implementing this idea in my kitchen soon.

  3. Kev says:

    My kitchen is not a kitchen. It’s a bathroom with a stove! Being single I live in a small one bedroom apartment and always thought that pot racks were cool but having no space to put one I now find myself on the other side of pot racks (no tell) I liked the creativity shown with yours and encourage others to attempt it if they have the time and space. Tell your Viking to keep up the good work.

    • Kev I sure will he can just see the potential in everything! I sometimes have to be convinced but the space savings has been wonderful. I am hoping we will be able to have other blog articles on space saving soon! Thanks for taking the time to write up such a nice comment and for stopping by!

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