Welcome to my Lil’ Suburban Homestead

I had several blogs on several topics and then I realized….why???  This is my life and I want to share my passion for gardening, growing our own food, canning and preserving our own food, sustainable agriculture, raising chickens, and our love for family and our dog.  I want to bring back the art of canning to families and the joy of sitting around the dinner table eating a wonderful dinner that everyone in one way or another got involved in.  Lets face it in this day and age its not easy to accomplish these goals but I will share some ways in which I get our kids involved!  My husband and I are often involved in new projects of our own making!  Come join us on our  journey!

Talk to you soon!

23 Responses to Welcome to my Lil’ Suburban Homestead

  1. Tami Lewis says:

    i’m replying here so i don’t promote myself on your posts. if you want to delete it you can 🙂
    i blogged about mt grain mill here-http://agodlyhomemaker.blogspot.com/2011/09/preparing.html.
    i love talking homesteading!! i have my hens and am looking forward to goats next. 🙂

  2. michael says:

    One of the nicest looking homesteading blogs I have reviewed thus far. We have five acres in the country where we will be homesteading but currently live in town. My daughter keeps a pair of rabbits in town and would like to have some chickens, I will have to let her look at your blog because I love the chicken coop!

    My wife is also wanting to learn to can so ill send her by for a look to.

    Good job. Watch for a review on my blog.


    • Michael thanks so much for the compliment! I really try to keep it real and relevant! I will be doing more canning posts. I actually have not been able to put everything up yet we did this summer to much ground to cover not enough time 😉 I will definitely keep a look out for your review plus I am heading on over to your blog to see what you are up to! Thanks again!

  3. steve says:

    nice blog! doing what you can with what you have and sharing is good Karma!

  4. brandemae says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I have enjoyed looking around your blog.

  5. oceannah says:

    Karen, You know I love what you’re up to here!!! I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blogger Award. If you wish to accept swing by the homestead.

  6. Bonnie says:

    Do you mind telling us what part of the country you live in? I live in Central FL and find the gardening tips of others don’t quite work down here.

  7. Pingback: Think Your Chickens Are Safe? Think Again! | Lil' Suburban Homestead

  8. Jon says:

    Hello, I would like to email you privately with a few questions. May I email you?
    Thank you,

  9. elizjamison says:

    I have NEVER canned anything, but I tried my sister-in-law’s canned salsa, and it was fantastic! I look forward to reading your posts.

  10. elizjamison says:

    I need to explore your blog for salsa recipes!

  11. barbara says:

    I do not know where this homestead is located and cannot compare with weather conditions in the Mid Atlantic region where I garden. I have a small hoop house which is almost always warmer than outdoors. It grows wonderful greens all winter. I want a bigger one. I also have found that winters have been less cold and I have cabbage, endive, and a few herbs (oregano, parsley, and rosemary) alive and well in late January 2013

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